

Hannah Seawell | December 09, 2020

    The beauty of humanity, is our individuality and imperfection. The ideal of perfection is unattainable. We so often strive for this unreachable goal that often comes from society. We see overly edited media figures, scripted performance, and planned out television shows. Nothing in these situations are organic. These people are playing a part, this is not their organic nature. People are not naturally the size of a barbie doll, we don't speak perfectly, and sometimes things don't happen the way we would like. We are imperfect. Our lives are messy, but they are beautiful.

    In our real lives, we are real humans. We have real, raw feelings. Nothing about life is scripted or planned out. We just are who we are and we do the best we can with what we have. We can't hide behind a mask. So often though, we do put up a mask. We don't want to allow our true selves to be seen. It is easier to put on a mask and interact with people in the way you think they want. Rather than being authentic, we end up shrinking to conform into society or into peer groups. Vulnerability is hard and it can be scary. We can fear rejection and disappointment. When we put our true selves on display and give that out to the world, we are taking a perceived risk. The thing, that we don't always remember, is that people crave vulnerability. It is the key to human connection. When we are vulnerable with others, others feel comfortable to be vulnerable with us. We connect in our rawness and our authenticity. We don't connect via mask. We have shallow surface connection this way and we will always crave a deeper connection. So, what happens if we do take the risk? We don't really know until we try it. Either way, whether the results are good or bad, you have expressed your self fully and lived in your own truth.
    By wearing a mask, we put up a wall. This wall disconnects us from the community we so desire. Even if we want it, we can be scared to pursue it. Building a wall can feel like an easier, safer option. What if people don't like who we actually are? Honestly, we have no control over who likes us and who doesn't. However, people liking you does not reflect on your own identity. Your identity is who YOU are. How do YOU define yourself. Where does YOUR self worth come from. Someone not liking you, does not alter your self worth. You are perfectly whole on your own. You have everything you so often crave within you. You have love, strength, kindness, and realness within you. Your energy and your spirit are going to attract your people. The more authentic we are with ourselves, the easier it is to be authentic with others. This is where the human connection and unity comes into play. What you can control is, the way you exist in this world. You have the power to live in your own truth. You get to be who you want to be. When you are your true self, you will attract kindred spirits. Our vulnerability and our authenticity does not guarantee being liked, but it does guarantee a life in line with who you are. If we can live fully and freely, we can connect with others who are also expressing themselves fully.

    For me, the hardest part of vulnerability is my own insecurity. I will be vulnerable with you all here. I fear rejection. I am sure, on some level, we all do. I worry people won't love me for who I am, and so, I don't usually show my true self. I worry about disappointing people. It is easier to me to put up that wall. That feels safer to me than living in my own truth. I don't like this. It feels fake, wrong, and not me. I want to be fully authentic. I think the first step to this is self awareness. I am starting to recognize I don't always give the world my real self and that isn't the way I want to exist in our world. 

    You are loved. You are worthy. You are deserving of good things. You have good things already within you. Give yourself the permission to live fully, genuinely, and organically. You don't have to pretend to be something you are not, hide, or live a life you don't want to. I know it can be a tough world to try to release your inner self, but if you take the risk, you may be met with rewards you didn't expect.

What are your fears or worries surrounding vulnerability and authenticity? Leave a comment below if you feel comfortable!

Courage to you, 
Hannah Seawell


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