Best Gluten Free Cookie Cake


          Best Gluten Free Cookie Cake

                Hannah Seawell | 10/03/2020


    Ever wanted to make your own cookie cake? These are the perfect addition to any party, girls night, or normal day, just to have! This is the simplest and best tasting gluten free recipe I have tried for a cookie cake! And how cute is it? You can take your dough and make any shape you want. Personally, I love to form it into a heart!

    SO, what will you need? To start, I like to use the King Arthur gluten free basic cookie mix.. This mix is an awesome gluten free cookie mix. It does not include toppings, so you can include any kind you like! I chose to make a chocolate chip cake this time. Next, the mix calls for 1 stick of melted butter, 2 tablespoons of water, 1 egg, and your toppings! Mix it all up and form your cake on a greased pan. So easy! 

    This cookie cake is so perfect. The best mix of crunchy and soft and a classic chocolate chip taste. You can't even tell it's gluten free! I've made it for several parties and no one knew; they all loved it! If you have a person in your life that won't eat gluten free, just don't tell them and they will never know the difference!

    Once the cake has cooled, you can ice it, add toppings, or candles! I love to get writing icing and add some fun writing. Perfect for birthdays, holidays, or other celebrations!

    Try it and let me know what you think!

Love and light, 

Hannah Seawell


  1. Looks delicious! Is there a way to enlarge your text or make it bolder? I could read it but had to really look to read it. You write so well! How do I check your blog?

    1. Oh, thank you! I believe I was able to enlarge it, thanks for letting me know! I believe you can check my blog at


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