Authenticity Hannah Seawell | December 09, 2020 The beauty of humanity, is our individuality and imperfection. The ideal of perfection is unattainable. We so often strive for this unreachable goal that often comes from society. We see overly edited media figures, scripted performance, and planned out television shows. Nothing in these situations are organic. These people are playing a part, this is not their organic nature. People are not naturally the size of a barbie doll, we don't speak perfectly, and sometimes things don't happen the way we would like. We are imperfect. Our lives are messy, but they are beautiful. In our real lives, we are real humans. We have real, raw feelings. Nothing about life is scripted or planned out. We just are who we are and we do the best we can with what we have. We can't hide behind a mask. So often though, we do put up a mask. We don't want to allow our true selves to be seen. It is easier to put on a mask and in...