My Celiac Story: So Long Bread
My Celiac Story: So Long Bread Hannah Seawell | 10/12/2020 This beach trip was right before I was diagnosed with Celiac disease. Looking back, I can see all the signs and symptoms. At the time, I was confused and not so sure what was happening. The very first experience I can recall was December of 2018. I can remember looking in the mirror and my stomach was so bloated. It looked like I was pregnant, not exaggerating. My stomach was always bloated and extended. My family and I had a joke that I had a food baby named Leonard. The next thing I noticed was that I started burping, all the time. My boyfriend at the time, now husband, used to joke about my burps. I would get trapped gas and he would burp me (pat my back) to try and help release it. I started noticing this right after that December. It started to become painful. My stomach would get sharp pains. It would feel like something was stabbing my abdomen. My best friend became Gas-X...